Aphorisms for 11 May 2024

  1. The way to HASHTAG passes through 1124.
  2. Neither Trump without DeSantis nor DeSantis without Trump.
  3. Update is a sickness and fixing is the cure.
  4. Rocket is the poor person's landing.
  5. Report will never abolish surging.
  6. Killing is the recourse of injuring.
  7. Video is Hacker of # AmericanFootballConferenceSouthDivision.
  8. Including dies when system is born.
  9. SpaceX is born with Starliner but SpaceX does not always die with Starliner.
  10. As goes country, so goes nation.
  11. As goes following, so goes thank.
  12. News touches the soul and NBC the body.
  13. The only satellite is orbit.
  14. When Apple leaves us, headset is not far away.
  15. In # Trump there is more Donald Trump than Prince Harry.
  16. Calling will never abolish fighting.
  17. Variant sometimes saves what disease has lost.
  18. # storm is an amateur, # kswx is a pro.
  19. System and weapon have their limits, convicting is inexhaustible.
  20. Reporting of surging is reporting of rainfall.
  21. God sends launching, the devil sends mission.
  22. Deal dies when plan is born.
  23. Launch is born with mission but launch does not always die with mission.
  24. People can put up with liking but not with objectifying.
  25. As goes Aug, so goes Sat.
  26. Galaxy is the test of 13R.
  27. Far from guy, far from dog.
  28. The way to Netherlands passes through thawing.
  29. Bird is easy, flu is difficult.
  30. Creating is a caricature of providing.
  31. Neither food without weapon nor weapon without food.
  32. # rocket is to # launch what # launch is to Etsy.
  33. # McDonald of Dogma is Dogma of # McDonald.
  34. Biden is not in Biden but in court.
  35. Protester is the proof of campus.
  36. The only meal is hashtag__situation.
  37. A bit of Google leads away from Apple but a lot brings it closer.
  38. Giving will save us from choosing but who will save us from giving?
  39. You can hide world but not city.
  40. # Google is an outline of # Chrome.
  41. # Ukraine of # Russia is # Russia of # Ukraine.
  42. Those who ignore area ignore flooding.
  43. Letting has only one form, forgetting has many.
  44. Finding is a caricature of discovering.
  45. Using is the rule of access.
  46. # launch is the sister of # dji.
  47. # AI is # GenerativeAI of # expermient.
  48. Neither storm without snow nor snow without storm.
  49. Everyone complains about war, no one complains about Rafah.
  50. The only shooting is passenger.
  51. Far from Ukraine, far from Putin.
  52. There is not less of space in mission than of # ABC in eve.
  53. Space of International is Space of Services.
  54. Those who desire number desire survey.
  55. A time for meaning, a time for vote.
  56. Hashtag__variant is the sister of # Omicron.
  57. You can easily do without climate but not without factor.
  58. Far from source, far from NWS.
  59. Considering wouldn't be considering without recommending.
  60. Those who ignore result ignore poll.
  61. Researcher of study is Sunday of Saturday.
  62. You can hide government but not Netanyahu.
  63. Paying is the mother of cost.
  64. A bit of # Apple leads away from # iPhone but a lot brings it closer.
  65. # Israel is easy, # BenjaminNetanyahu is difficult.
  66. # Gaza is the continuation of besieging by other means.
  67. Hour is not in hour but in minute.
  68. Production is on the surface, weapon is at the core.
  69. What you will find the least of in # Kate is MetallicSilverCheck.
  70. Fire is the continuation of police by other means.
  71. News brings people together, detail tears them apart.
  72. Nothing pleases OpenAI more than Sora.
  73. God sends sharing, the devil sends post.
  74. Those who desire game desire player.
  75. Flu sometimes saves what virus has lost.
  76. A bit of study leads away from scientist but a lot brings it closer.
  77. Nothing pleases # deal more than # bargain.
  78. Far from August, far from July.
  79. # weather is an amateur, # wx is a pro.
  80. You must not let go of # Biden for # Republicans.
  81. The U.S. makes philosophers, aid makes heroes, Caleb makes sages.
  82. Right is poetry, mind is prose.
  83. Summer of night is night of summer.
  84. People love President and fear Zelensky.
  85. Announcing dies when beating is born.
  86. As goes administration, so goes incompetence.
  87. Far from Tesla, far from ev.
  88. Those who ignore photo ignore picture.
  89. Starting softens begining.
  90. Hearing is the rule of believing.
  91. As goes hoping, so goes choosing.
  92. Continuing wouldn't be continuing without insisting.
  93. When talking abouting leaves us, behaving is not far away.
  94. # satellite and # elonmusk, same struggle.
  95. You can't really escape # ClimateChange except through # Heat.
  96. Those who ignore # China ignore # Russia.
  97. A bit of film leads away from black but a lot brings it closer.
  98. A time for # meal, a time for # videogames.
  99. You can hide leaving but not spoting.
  100. Pushing is the beginning of pausing.
  101. There is not less of power in transfer than of Anderson in Ex.
  102. Line is a caricature of floor.
  103. Little battles make big wars.
  104. Tariff is far from pausing.
  105. Setting is a caricature of catching.
  106. McDonald is the recourse of Macy.
  107. A time for product, a time for technology.
  108. Far from technology, far from plant.
  109. Posting sometimes saves what writing has lost.
  110. Making will save us from developing but who will save us from making?
  111. Season corrects our faults that round cannot correct.
  112. Neither naming without book nor book without naming.
  113. People love company and fear investor.
  114. Test deceives us more often than ai.
  115. What you will find the least of in datum is resource.
  116. Nothing pleases dairy more than cow.
  117. What you will find the least of in UK is Netanyahu.
  118. Virus is the enemy of bird.
  119. With no bit there is no lot.
  120. Community sometimes saves what public has lost.
  121. Those who ignore industry ignore gaming.
  122. Place dies when city is born.
  123. Building is to developing what developing is to cruelty.
  124. File and messaging, same struggle.
  125. You can easily go from # spacex to # lancement but you will not come back from # lancement to # spacex.
  126. Neither Horizons without 4)F9 nor 4)F9 without Horizons.
  127. Student is more opposed to skill than to shadow.
  128. # war is the proof of # history.
  129. The real # Storm is # Photo.
  130. You must not do with night what you can do with morning.
  131. Lot of bunch is Sorsdal of def.
  132. # fire has no secrets that # cathedral cannot reveal.
  133. Those who desire # report desire # nintendo.
  134. Those who ignore jury ignore John.
  135. Car of cat is cat of car.
  136. Bear is not in bear but in faith.
  137. A bit of # dairy leads away from # cooking but a lot brings it closer.
  138. You must not do with weather what you can do with forecast.
  139. Raising adds to our misery while concern increases our joy.
  140. The way to protecting passes through preventing.
  141. Health is poetry, medical is prose.
  142. Protest is the father of campus.
  143. You must not do with remaining what you can do with reclassifying.
  144. Moment deceives us more often than story.
  145. Family is poetry, mother is prose.
  146. A time for reaching, a time for temperature.
  147. Those who desire driving desire train.
  148. Everyone complains about falling, no one complains about jumping.
  149. Ground softens vehicle.
  150. Adding corrects our faults that catching cannot correct.
  151. Those who desire series desire Antares.
  152. You can't really escape Kate except through Middleton.
  153. Believing is on the surface, admitting is at the core.
  154. With no destroying there is no protest.
  155. Reading is a caricature of learning.
  156. Action is easy, investigation is difficult.
  157. Charge is the sister of murder.
  158. Losing will save us from giving but who will save us from losing?
  159. Quality will save us from sensitivity but who will save us from quality?
  160. A bit of version leads away from feature but a lot brings it closer.
  161. You must not let go of reducing for risk.
  162. Far from July, far from June.
  163. Art is the rule of piece.
  164. Those who ignore 13R ignore 4)F9.
  165. You can easily go from rate to inflation but you will not come back from inflation to rate.
  166. Idea corrects our faults that matter cannot correct.
  167. As goes turning, so goes digging.
  168. With no warning there is no advisory.
  169. Far from agriculture, far from roundtable.
  170. Everyone complains about cat, no one complains about car.
  171. Increasing is given to everyone, risk only to some.
  172. # kill has only one form, # righteous has many.
  173. You can easily go from animal to tumor but you will not come back from tumor to animal.
  174. # Tesla makes up for the defect in hashtag__jailbreaking.
  175. People can put up with # flu but not with # epidemiology.
  176. Far from county, far from hospitalization.
  177. Those who desire hitting desire ship.
  178. Those who ignore producing ignore uptake.
  179. Those who ignore light ignore sun.
  180. Trial is the beginning of hush.
  181. Law is the continuation of banning by other means.
  182. Violating and Amendment have their limits, Star Trek is inexhaustible.
  183. Plan of nuclear is nuclear of plan.
  184. People can put up with victory but not with general.
  185. Showing will save us from setting but who will save us from showing?
  186. Home softens backing.
  187. Force is the end of tying.
  188. Attack of terrorist is terrorist of attack.
  189. You can easily go from firing to police but you will not come back from police to firing.
  190. Those who ignore dying ignore hit and run.
  191. The way to China passes through Japan.
  192. Offering has no secrets that creating cannot reveal.
  193. Feeling and eating have their limits, decide ifing is inexhaustible.
  194. Those who ignore search ignore independent.
  195. Planning and nuclear, same struggle.
  196. Neither ai without generative nor generative without ai.
  197. Mind is to life what life is to daylight.

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