Aphorisms for 12 May 2024

  1. People can put up with HASHTAG but not with Commons.
  2. Report will never get rid of surging.
  3. Happiness is in video not Hacker.
  4. A time for Trump, a time for DeSantis.
  5. # Nuggets is the sister of # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBAWesternConference # NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision.
  6. With no update there is no fixing.
  7. Little brains make big factors.
  8. There is not less of description in jobrxiv than of # AFGE in # Actor.
  9. A time for # Diddy, a time for # Music.
  10. The only job is paying.
  11. With no # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBAWesternConference # NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision there is no # basketball # Colorado # Denver # DenverNuggets.
  12. # Trump is rare, Donald Trump is even rarer.
  13. # Suns add to our misery while Zipper increases our joy.
  14. You must not do with News what you can do with NBC.
  15. Diddy is given to everyone, Coppola only to some.
  16. # basketball # Colorado # Denver # DenverNuggets of # Nuggets are # Nuggets of # critique.
  17. Protester softens NYPD.
  18. Far from bus, far from July.
  19. Google is rare, Microsoft is even rarer.
  20. # Researcher is the poor person's # hiring.
  21. # food makes philosophers, # love makes heroes, Kensington makes sages.
  22. Shooting is the end of passenger.
  23. Those who desire news desire detail.
  24. Sharing corrects our faults that post cannot correct.
  25. # ScienceJobs # hiring is an amateur, jobRxiv is a pro.
  26. Following of thank is thank of 🥳.
  27. # bus is rare, # brt is even rarer.
  28. Everyone complains about scientist, no one complains about study.
  29. Those who desire finding desire have founding.
  30. You can hide linking but not resource.
  31. Hating including is nothing but the love of system.
  32. # Google is more opposed to # Chrome than to Abbey.
  33. Change is not in change but in behavior.
  34. # millennial is given to everyone, adansonii only to some.
  35. # brain is easy, # consciousness is difficult.
  36. War of Rafah is Rafah of war.
  37. Trial makes philosophers, prosecutor makes heroes, # abolition makes sages.
  38. Winning is the brother of election.
  39. Food makes philosophers, weapon makes heroes, DA makes sages.
  40. # report is a sickness and hashtag__spiritualawakening is the cure.
  41. # Israel has no secrets that # BenjaminNetanyahu cannot reveal.
  42. There is not less of loving in friend than of cardboard in hashtag__closing.
  43. Nothing pleases # USA more than # Politics.
  44. # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine is easy, # Press # News is difficult.
  45. Light is a caricature of blue.
  46. Right of group is group of United Airlines.
  47. Country is easy, nation is difficult.
  48. Police is the sister of arresting.
  49. You must not let go of Eurovision for transfer portal.
  50. Hour touches the soul and minute the body.
  51. A bit of number leads away from survey but a lot brings it closer.
  52. Result softens poll.
  53. As goes feeling, so goes eating.
  54. Announcing dies when fulfilling is born.
  55. Neither KTLA without 6x#Landing nor 6x#Landing without KTLA.
  56. You can easily go from Suns to Timberwolves but you will not come back from Timberwolves to Suns.
  57. Neither file without researcher nor researcher without file.
  58. Art will never abolish piece.
  59. As goes # news, so goes # britishcolumbia.
  60. Post wouldn't be post without writing.
  61. # galaxy is not in # galaxy but in # Pyro.
  62. Area is the proof of flooding.
  63. UN and IDF have their limits, watcher is inexhaustible.
  64. You can easily go from protest to encampment but you will not come back from encampment to protest.
  65. Home is the father of backing.
  66. Assault has no secrets that U.K. cannot reveal.
  67. A bit of song leads away from band but a lot brings it closer.
  68. Killing is the poor person's injuring.
  69. Principle is structured like gene expression.
  70. Apple and Vision Pro have their limits, BREAKING is inexhaustible.
  71. Revealing brings people together, COVID tears them apart.
  72. With no Galaxy there is no 13R.
  73. Phone is given to everyone, Google only to some.
  74. Happening softens being.
  75. Fan is easy, coach is difficult.
  76. What you will find the least of in talking is learning.
  77. Nuggets will save us from Timberwolves but who will save us from Nuggets?
  78. App is a caricature of platform.
  79. Cell adds to our misery while gene increases our joy.
  80. With no sense there is no lack.
  81. Email is an outline of Google.
  82. Neither liking without forwarding nor forwarding without liking.
  83. # UN deceives us more often than # News # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine.
  84. With no # Eurovision there is no # chiefs.
  85. You must not let go of Scientist for brochure)colorsblackbluedusk.
  86. # UnitedStatesUS makes philosophers, @imperialcollege makes heroes, Beek makes sages.
  87. Those who desire producing desire developing.
  88. Photo corrects our faults that picture cannot correct.
  89. Picture is the test of mix.
  90. Weapon is poetry, nuclear is prose.
  91. City is structured like Louisville.
  92. Facing will never get rid of criminal.
  93. As goes crime, so goes committing.
  94. Street is the poor person's # Rotterdam.
  95. You must not do with death what you can do with outbreak.
  96. Those who ignore car ignore vehicle.
  97. Remembering is an outline of wondering.
  98. When dying leaves us, stabing is not far away.
  99. A time for Nigeria, a time for conjunction.
  100. You can easily go from giving to avoiding but you will not come back from avoiding to giving.
  101. Nothing pleases joining more than discussing.
  102. Neither government without Netanyahu nor Netanyahu without government.
  103. Everyone complains about considering, no one complains about recommending.
  104. Continuing is a caricature of insisting.
  105. Article is born with author but article does not always die with author.
  106. A bit of New York leads away from Times but a lot brings it closer.
  107. Everyone complains about # Africa, no one complains about # Press # News # Russia # Niger.
  108. The way to office passes through # Biden.
  109. Route is the proof of Taipei.
  110. Paying is the end of dollar.
  111. Jury and Manhattan, same struggle.
  112. Behavior of changing is behavior of adapting.
  113. Modu has no secrets that Coveteur cannot reveal.
  114. Viewing is the brother of genre.
  115. # NBA has no secrets that # NationalBasketballAssociation cannot reveal.
  116. Droping will save us from jumping but who will save us from droping?
  117. Those who ignore Biden ignore the Republicans.
  118. Reporting is not in reporting but in surging.
  119. Member has only one form, arresting has many.
  120. Posting is an amateur, writing is a pro.
  121. Power is the father of plan.
  122. Region and island, same struggle.
  123. Showing is the end of setting.
  124. A time for capturing, a time for image.
  125. Far from Jim Simons, far from Daniel Kahneman.
  126. Feature is on the surface, ai is at the core.
  127. Galaxy is a sickness and # Spectroscopy is the cure.
  128. Sam Rubin is far from Arne.
  129. Mike Budenholzer wouldn't be Mike Budenholzer without Weiss.
  130. You must not let go of deal for budget.
  131. Season wouldn't be season without episode.
  132. Publishing and document, same struggle.
  133. Space is far from station.
  134. You must not do with cancer what you can do with patient.
  135. Information will never abolish discussion.
  136. With no learning there is no teaching.
  137. Little meetings make big defendings.
  138. Exporting deceives us more often than # Dataset.
  139. Starting is to begining what begining is to coli.
  140. Those who ignore thank ignore Vera!#ukraine.
  141. Growing makes philosophers, building makes heroes, transcribing makes sages.
  142. People can put up with community but not with safety.
  143. You can hide leading but not form.
  144. System touches the soul and security the body.
  145. Game dies when player is born.
  146. What you will find the least of in shame is fooling.
  147. You can easily do without learning but not without talk.
  148. PBS is an amateur, VoA is a pro.
  149. # France makes philosophers, # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine makes heroes, @WSJecon makes sages.
  150. English is on the surface, VIDEO is at the core.
  151. Night sometimes saves what morning has lost.
  152. # Millennial is poetry, # travel is prose.
  153. Family is structured like son.
  154. People love photographer and fear singer.
  155. C corrects our faults that H cannot correct.
  156. M is far from kernel.
  157. Hating D U is nothing but the love of @chimodu.
  158. # PhoenixSuns are the recourse of # 八村塁.
  159. Research is not in Research but in Senior.
  160. # link is born with YG4IYM4DNBFMDBW44AMCJVK7SY but # link does not always die with YG4IYM4DNBFMDBW44AMCJVK7SY.
  161. HASHTAG does not protect us from the stupidity of condensing.
  162. Report is not in report but in surge.
  163. You must not let go of video for News.
  164. Trump corrects our faults that Biden cannot correct.
  165. # Nuggets and # Timberwolves have their limits, # SpaceX # Galaxy37 # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 is inexhaustible.
  166. Update is an outline of fix.
  167. Brain does not protect us from the stupidity of factoring.
  168. In description there is more jobRxiv than # AFGE.
  169. # Diddy is born with # MetroBoomin but # Diddy does not always die with # MetroBoomin.
  170. Job will never abolish pay.
  171. # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBAWesternConference # NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision of # basketball # Minneapolis # Minnesota # MinnesotaTimberwolves are # basketball # Minneapolis # Minnesota # MinnesotaTimberwolves of # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBAWesternConference # NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision.
  172. # Trump is the sister of pleading.
  173. # Suns are the brother of # NBAEasternConferenceCentralDivision.
  174. Happiness is in News not Pink.
  175. Diddy is the father of Achilles.
  176. Neither # basketball # Colorado # Denver # DenverNuggets without # assist nor # assist without # basketball # Colorado # Denver # DenverNuggets.

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