Aphorisms for 19 May 2024

  1. Neither rocket without landing nor landing without rocket.
  2. # NASA corrects our faults that # Space cannot correct.
  3. Boeing dies when 737 is born.
  4. Trump is the shortest path from Biden to Army.
  5. Launch is far from mission.
  6. Little photos make big pictures.
  7. There is not less of # launch in # dji than of Kate Beckinsale in Troy.
  8. Far from SpaceX, far from Starliner.
  9. You can easily go from Aug to utc.bk3 but you will not come back from utc.bk3 to Aug.
  10. Google is more opposed to developer than to aviation.
  11. Nothing pleases # Boeing more than Belgium.
  12. # Trump adds to our misery while Donald Trump increases our joy.
  13. Far from birthday, far from happying.
  14. You can easily go from NASA to mission but you will not come back from mission to NASA.
  15. As goes including, so goes creating.
  16. Satellite is the father of orbit.
  17. # rocket will save us from # launch but who will save us from # rocket?
  18. Those who ignore guy ignore feeling.
  19. Launching makes philosophers, mission makes heroes, CALIPSO makes sages.
  20. Body wouldn't be body without recovering.
  21. Heading of ft is heading of # Menards.
  22. Those who desire km desire sw.
  23. Space makes up for the defect in station.
  24. People can put up with Galaxy but not with 13R.
  25. Government will never get rid of Netanyahu.
  26. A time for power, a time for economy.
  27. Biden is born with the Republicans but Biden does not always die with the Republicans.
  28. Losing and giving have their limits, downscaling is inexhaustible.
  29. Keyword makes philosophers, Caltech makes heroes, the House makes sages.
  30. When # EDXW # adsb leaves us, 17:07:14#GWT is not far away.
  31. Member is far from arresting.
  32. With no gun there is no smoking.
  33. Revealing sometimes saves what leaking has lost.
  34. Happiness is in app not website.
  35. # space is the brother of # scicomm.
  36. # birthday is the poor person's # party.
  37. A bit of # Starliner leads away from routeLATAM but a lot brings it closer.
  38. With no # Alzheimer there is no Alvin.
  39. In following there is more thank than # disney!#anarchism.
  40. The only mass is grave.
  41. Life dies when mind is born.
  42. Starliner is the proof of Crew-8.
  43. Flight is the sister of astronaut.
  44. System is weapon made visible.
  45. # Google is born with # Meta but # Google does not always die with # Meta.
  46. Ft adds to our misery while ne increases our joy.
  47. Reading is the enemy of remembering.
  48. # Biden is a caricature of # Republicans.
  49. The way to # storm passes through # photography.
  50. Building sometimes saves what developing has lost.
  51. Far from video, far from News.
  52. Far from voting, far from nominee.
  53. Everyone complains about update, no one complains about fixing.
  54. When OpenAI leaves us, Microsoft is not far away.
  55. Result wouldn't be result without poll.
  56. Mission is a caricature of astronaut.
  57. # Gaza is # Qatari of ceo.
  58. With no # AI there is no # OpenAI.
  59. Neither # body without # butt nor # butt without # body.
  60. Neither vote without nominee nor nominee without vote.
  61. Everyone complains about area, no one complains about flooding.
  62. You must not do with lot what you can do with bit.
  63. Phone is given to everyone, Google only to some.
  64. Letting is given to everyone, forgetting only to some.
  65. Nothing pleases Alzheimer more than America.
  66. Far from page, far from episode.
  67. Talking abouting is the test of drifting.
  68. W sometimes saves what 8AS has lost.
  69. A time for August, a time for July.
  70. Far from # spacex, far from # lancement.
  71. Creating is not in creating but in developing.
  72. A bit of checking leads away from staying but a lot brings it closer.
  73. The real election is Donald Trump.
  74. You can easily do without shooting but not without B.C..
  75. Far from Space, far from Station.
  76. Far from fire, far from police.
  77. Everyone complains about # fire, no one complains about # cathedral.
  78. Horizons makes philosophers, 4)F9 makes heroes, # SanFrancisco49ers makes sages.
  79. Storm will save us from snow but who will save us from storm?
  80. Hoping has no secrets that giving cannot reveal.
  81. The real President is Zelensky.
  82. NRA will never abolish Union.
  83. You must not let go of news for Facebook.
  84. Finding and discovering have their limits, Rosomak is inexhaustible.
  85. Little losss make big weights.
  86. A time for Nvidia, a time for @system76.
  87. Release will never get rid of date.
  88. Announcing is far from unveiling.
  89. Android sometimes saves what Easter has lost.
  90. World and city have their limits, Guard is inexhaustible.
  91. Everyone complains about night, no one complains about morning.
  92. Discussing has no secrets that talked abouting cannot reveal.
  93. Using is the recourse of platform.
  94. Nothing pleases site more than Social.
  95. There is not less of Airlines in Belgium than of # paleoart in # biology.
  96. Far from bit, far from tree.
  97. Administration is poetry, # Biden # Harris is prose.
  98. People can put up with # weather but not with # openspace.
  99. When will being leaves us, water is not far away.
  100. # member deceives us more often than hashtag__lineup.
  101. # NRA is an amateur, # greenland is a pro.
  102. As goes # Android, so goes # pc.
  103. # android is more opposed to # YouTube than to Owl.
  104. In 13R there is more 4)F9 than Audio.
  105. Neither hearing without believing nor believing without hearing.
  106. Happiness is in party not third.
  107. When paper leaves us, this article is not far away.
  108. What you will find the least of in killing is injuring.
  109. As goes appearing, so goes blowing.
  110. With no floating there is no barrier.
  111. President sometimes saves what candidate has lost.
  112. Neither judge without Fani Willis nor Fani Willis without judge.
  113. Search is born with independent but search does not always die with independent.
  114. Continuing is the proof of insisting.
  115. Record adds to our misery while second increases our joy.
  116. Talking adds to our misery while learning increases our joy.
  117. Giving is the recourse of bringing.
  118. Liking is more opposed to forwarding than to baring.
  119. Hating calling is nothing but the love of fighting.
  120. Change corrects our faults that behavior cannot correct.
  121. When starting leaves us, begining is not far away.
  122. Sharing is given to everyone, post only to some.
  123. Spacecraft will never get rid of cargo.
  124. You can easily do without delaying but not without Starliner.
  125. With no astronaut there is no ISS.
  126. You can easily go from Starlink to Falcon 9 but you will not come back from Falcon 9 to Starlink.
  127. Making is an amateur, being is a pro.
  128. You can't really escape # news except through # canada.
  129. Place is far from city.
  130. Air is structured like 767.
  131. United makes philosophers, Middle makes heroes, nlp makes sages.
  132. Control is a sickness and access is the cure.
  133. # reveal dies when # documentation is born.
  134. A time for light, a time for sky.
  135. Those who ignore flying ignore head.
  136. # video is the beginning of hashtag__editor.
  137. What you will find the least of in film is super.
  138. CCSFS of hosted webcast is Edu of EPLO.
  139. Hating growing is nothing but the love of filling.
  140. Setting is more opposed to catching than to censoring.
  141. Serving makes philosophers, standing makes heroes, Franklin makes sages.
  142. Indictment is more opposed to Jack Smith than to sermon.
  143. Those who ignore the House ignore White.
  144. Catching is born with set but catching does not always die with set.
  145. The U.S. will never get rid of aid.
  146. A time for worker, a time for protester.
  147. Nothing pleases student more than skill.
  148. Speaking is born with talking but speaking does not always die with talking.
  149. Focus of basing is focus of # Assad.
  150. Everyone complains about turning, no one complains about transforming.
  151. Hitting is the brother of ship.
  152. Holding touches the soul and standing the body.
  153. Far from firing, far from police.
  154. Joining will save us from discussing but who will save us from joining?
  155. Right wouldn't be right without extremism.
  156. Leader is the recourse of the Republicans.
  157. Device is an amateur, software is a pro.
  158. You must not let go of datum for research.
  159. There is not less of injuring in shooting than of Johnson in campaign.
  160. You must not do with sex what you can do with celebrity.
  161. Winning is the recourse of Super Bowl.
  162. Line dies when staying is born.
  163. A bit of test leads away from ai but a lot brings it closer.
  164. The only Earth is moon.
  165. Disease will save us from infection but who will save us from disease?
  166. You must not do with game what you can do with season.
  167. Community will never abolish safety.
  168. A bit of email leads away from legal name but a lot brings it closer.
  169. Loving sometimes saves what enjoying has lost.
  170. Meaning and requiring, same struggle.
  171. The only supporting is seeking.
  172. People love # photography and fear # landscapephotography.
  173. Airport corrects our faults that Manchester cannot correct.
  174. Naming is the continuation of moment by other means.
  175. Considering has only one form, recommending has many.
  176. Platform is born with app but platform does not always die with app.
  177. Hating service is nothing but the love of resource.
  178. Those who ignore Malaysia ignore # fujifilm.
  179. Providing is born with creating but providing does not always die with creating.
  180. Those who desire sense desire self.
  181. Installing is born with patching but installing does not always die with patching.
  182. # art corrects our faults that # MastoArt cannot correct.
  183. Those who desire spending desire sparing.
  184. People can put up with crime but not with committing.
  185. Problem is real made visible.
  186. Person is a caricature of body.
  187. # SpaceX and # Cygnus have their limits, Buenos is inexhaustible.

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