Aphorisms for 22 May 2024

  1. Trump is the proof of the Supreme Court.
  2. Finding does not protect us from the stupidity of spot.
  3. HASHTAG and Commons have their limits, sinding is inexhaustible.
  4. # Trump is a caricature of Donald Trump.
  5. Those who ignore death ignore victim.
  6. Trial is the recourse of hush.
  7. Video and channel, same struggle.
  8. Election is given to everyone, winning only to some.
  9. Revealing touches the soul and document the body.
  10. Dying is a caricature of actor.
  11. Source is to datum what datum is to resilience.
  12. Reading is a sickness and remembering is the cure.
  13. Life corrects our faults that mind cannot correct.
  14. Hand has only one form, life has many.
  15. Those who ignore finishing ignore streaming.
  16. Nothing pleases checking more than staying.
  17. You can easily do without # skrunkle # meme # ych # memeych but not without # bigeyes # eyes # pleading # plead.
  18. With no song there is no writing.
  19. Judge sometimes saves what the Supreme Court has lost.
  20. Crime softens committing.
  21. Charge is easy, murder is difficult.
  22. Following is born with perfecting but following does not always die with perfecting.
  23. News has no secrets that CBC cannot reveal.
  24. # Microsoft is given to everyone, # Fortiney only to some.
  25. A time for # bigeyes # eyes # pleading # plead, a time for # beg # patreon.
  26. Georgia is given to everyone, South Carolina only to some.
  27. Nothing pleases losing more than facing.
  28. When Netflix leaves us, FX is not far away.
  29. People can put up with Microsoft but not with Gemini.
  30. Home is the poor person's car.
  31. With no cancer there is no patient.
  32. # Ukraine is poetry, # dam is prose.
  33. People can put up with number but not with survey.
  34. The real # Georgia is # Alabama.
  35. Including has no secrets that # compounding cannot reveal.
  36. Pleading touches the soul and not guilty the body.
  37. Hitting corrects our faults that ship cannot correct.
  38. You must not do with care what you can do with worrying.
  39. Record deceives us more often than second.
  40. People love letting and fear forgetting.
  41. # election is an outline of # GOP.
  42. Issue is the enemy of health.
  43. Loving will save us from enjoying but who will save us from loving?
  44. Little drivers make big cars.
  45. Far from # hand, far from # artists.
  46. Result is poetry, poll is prose.
  47. Line will never abolish staying.
  48. Facing is the test of lose.
  49. System wouldn't be system without weapon.
  50. Neither using without creating nor creating without using.
  51. You must not let go of the NBA for playoff.
  52. You must not do with season what you can do with winner.
  53. You must not do with family what you can do with son.
  54. As goes image, so goes moon.
  55. # death has only one form, # rationing has many.
  56. # trial has no secrets that # randomised cannot reveal.
  57. # Netflix of # TV is # lammergeier of # beardedvulture.
  58. Hashtag__headphone will never abolish mcguyvering.
  59. With no # Graceland there is no Rodriguez.
  60. You can't really escape tornado except through California.
  61. Neither area without flooding nor flooding without area.
  62. Law makes up for the defect in banning.
  63. The U.S. corrects our faults that UN cannot correct.
  64. Post is easy, writing is difficult.
  65. Those who desire posting desire writing.
  66. Feeling adds to our misery while eating increases our joy.
  67. Headphone has no secrets that wine cannot reveal.
  68. With no setting there is no catching.
  69. A time for team, a time for player.
  70. Continuing is an amateur, climbing is a pro.
  71. Those who ignore hoping ignore giving.
  72. Person is more opposed to body than to # Pentagon.
  73. With no lot there is no bit.
  74. Relying is more opposed to Coopersville than to Oklahoma.
  75. # foot will never abolish # bator.
  76. Those who ignore safety ignore community.
  77. Night is easy, weekend is difficult.
  78. Warning sometimes saves what hashtag__flood has lost.
  79. You must not do with # judge what you can do with # policy.
  80. As goes # hit, so goes # musichit.
  81. # cancer has only one form, # tumor has many.
  82. Those who ignore foot ignore snow.
  83. Issuing has no secrets that health cannot reveal.
  84. News has no secrets that Facebook cannot reveal.
  85. Risk is an amateur, increasing is a pro.
  86. Those who ignore disease ignore vaccine.
  87. You can't really escape # trump except through # classifieddocs.
  88. Indictment is Jack Smith of # academicFreedom.
  89. You must not do with run what you can do with walking.
  90. You can easily do without # MastoArt but not without # illustration.
  91. Medium is rare, social is even rarer.
  92. Patron of skrunkle is hashtag__ecosystemconversion of fooker.
  93. # beg # patreon and # kiggy have their limits, organ is inexhaustible.
  94. National is far from Service.
  95. # sue is given to everyone, # ToryLiars only to some.
  96. # Sue will never get rid of glinting.
  97. July is the father of June.
  98. There is not less of # AI in # GPT5 than of # Produce in # cartography.
  99. Seeking is the continuation of lobby by other means.
  100. You must not do with feed what you can do with relying.
  101. # Tornado is an amateur, # SigTornado is a pro.
  102. Everyone complains about # Comcast, no one complains about hashtag__pressure.
  103. You must not let go of calling for fighting.
  104. Those who desire winning desire award.
  105. Neither reporting without identifying nor identifying without reporting.
  106. Happiness is in sepsis not Uber driver.
  107. Those who desire giving desire choosing.
  108. Ai softens Gemini.
  109. Causing is the brother of death.
  110. Report of identifying is identifying of report.
  111. You can easily do without releasing but not without date.
  112. Game will never abolish season.
  113. A bit of Elvis leads away from Alec but a lot brings it closer.
  114. Neither Graceland without Presley nor Presley without Graceland.
  115. Company touches the soul and investor the body.
  116. God sends appearing, the devil sends clearing.
  117. Those who desire # USA desire # Politics.
  118. # JackSmith is the beginning of # SpecialCounsel.
  119. When hearing leaves us, trial is not far away.
  120. August has no secrets that July cannot reveal.
  121. # find touches the soul and # easyfind the body.
  122. # reveal is born with # sex but # reveal does not always die with # sex.
  123. Place is far from city.
  124. A time for adding, a time for fixing.
  125. You can easily do without episode but not without review.
  126. Those who desire skrunkle desire friendo.
  127. # politics is the recourse of # uspolitics.
  128. Idea is matter made visible.
  129. Hashtag sometimes saves what show uping has lost.
  130. Vehicle is the beginning of ground.
  131. Forecast is the sister of weather.
  132. Hospital corrects our faults that California cannot correct.
  133. Toll is a sickness and decrying is the cure.
  134. You can hide # NBA but not # LAClippers.
  135. There is not less of President in Zelensky than of cameo in Falcons.
  136. Those who ignore killing ignore injuring.
  137. The way to Service passes through # EAS for Moniteau.
  138. World is the shortest path from planet to cargo.
  139. Court dies when denying is born.
  140. Update is an amateur, fixing is a pro.
  141. A bit of starting leads away from begining but a lot brings it closer.
  142. Russia will never abolish drone.
  143. The way to weapon passes through nuclear.
  144. Health is far from medical.
  145. A bit of making leads away from being but a lot brings it closer.
  146. App is an amateur, disabling is a pro.
  147. Staying is the continuation of check by other means.
  148. When running leaves us, walking is not far away.
  149. With no fan there is no coach.
  150. Event and evening have their limits, # butterfly is inexhaustible.
  151. NASA will never get rid of mission.
  152. Neither one without being nor being without one.
  153. You must not let go of holding for standing.
  154. You can easily go from will being to door but you will not come back from door to will being.
  155. # GOP is the poor person's # Republicans.
  156. Considering is a caricature of recommending.
  157. Far from Donald Trump, far from testimony.
  158. Quality softens high.
  159. As goes having, so goes being.
  160. File is easy, PBIX is difficult.
  161. Tool is a sickness and benchmark is the cure.
  162. With no writing there is no post.
  163. Sex will never get rid of celebrity.
  164. A time for term, a time for covid.
  165. According sometimes saves what tying has lost.
  166. Those who ignore kind ignore sort.
  167. Turning touches the soul and digging the body.
  168. People love # video and fear hashtag__editor.
  169. Liking is given to everyone, forwarding only to some.
  170. The way to # music passes through # piano.
  171. Those who ignore learning ignore talking.
  172. When enjoying leaves us, love is not far away.
  173. Thursday sometimes saves what Sunday has lost.
  174. Offering is the continuation of creating by other means.
  175. # dragon is an amateur, # anthro is a pro.
  176. Gun will save us from smoking but who will save us from gun?
  177. When minute leaves us, hour is not far away.
  178. You must not do with member what you can do with arresting.
  179. List has only one form, topping has many.
  180. # art is given to everyone, # MastoArt only to some.
  181. Piece and writing have their limits, greenlighting is inexhaustible.
  182. Paying brings people together, dollar tears them apart.
  183. Success and brand have their limits, GA is inexhaustible.
  184. A time for singer, a time for songwriter.
  185. You can easily do without hit but not without ship.
  186. # GA is the recourse of # Hart.
  187. Those who ignore Weather ignore Channel.
  188. Pm will never abolish EDT.
  189. Folk is Kitchen of # RedLine.
  190. With no comorbiditie there is no covid that are also.
  191. A time for covid that are also, a time for implicating.

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