Aphorisms for 31 May 2024

  1. Source is an outline of NWS.
  2. # MS has only one form, # Simpson has many.
  3. # Trump of Donald Trump is Donald Trump of # Trump.
  4. Trump is the poor person's the Supreme Court.
  5. You can easily go from HASHTAG to condensing but you will not come back from condensing to HASHTAG.
  6. Far from NWS, far from Greenville.
  7. Update is not in update but in preview.
  8. Life wouldn't be life without mind.
  9. You must not do with video what you can do with Hacker.
  10. In peanut there is more measure than # Undocumented.
  11. With no warning there is no hashtag__flood.
  12. You must not let go of safety for community.
  13. Relying is the brother of feed.
  14. Calling and fighting have their limits, hashtag__chemotherapy is inexhaustible.
  15. Far from # Simpson, far from # KY.
  16. Feed is the brother of safety.
  17. Biden dies when the Republicans are born.
  18. Everyone complains about Salesforce, no one complains about revenue.
  19. Report makes philosophers, surging makes heroes, rainfall makes sages.
  20. You can't really escape Jackson except through L..
  21. Those who ignore MS ignore MO.
  22. A time for president, a time for governor.
  23. News is the sister of Pink.
  24. The only Google is developer.
  25. Those who desire checking desire staying.
  26. You must not let go of # Alito for # SCOTUS.
  27. Song is more opposed to writing than to @xiphosblue.
  28. The U.S. is not in the U.S. but in aid.
  29. Considering is the recourse of recommending.
  30. Reporting is a sickness and surging is the cure.
  31. You can't really escape strike except through Odesa.
  32. Finding of spot is spot of Sunday.
  33. Worker is rare, hostage is even rarer.
  34. Those who desire Service desire Weather.
  35. Cdt is to EDT what EDT is to shelter.
  36. Neither # Ukraine without # dam nor # dam without # Ukraine.
  37. Those who desire # weapon desire # ink.
  38. A time for # mastodonindians, a time for # delhi # mastindia # delhi # india.
  39. # brown and # wood have their limits, holiday is inexhaustible.
  40. Those who ignore striking ignore Odesa.
  41. You must not do with using what you can do with creating.
  42. Shelter is the shortest path from CDT to 🐲.
  43. Nicole is the enemy of Tung.
  44. Continuing and insisting have their limits, constraint is inexhaustible.
  45. August has only one form, July has many.
  46. # Biden is poetry, # Republicans are prose.
  47. Those who ignore # Gaza ignore Strip.
  48. # drop is born with # dance but # drop does not always die with # dance.
  49. Piece of writing is # India of Rise.
  50. What you will find the least of in # kid is # instagram.
  51. # delhi # mastindia # delhi # india is poetry, # fediradio is prose.
  52. Justice is the test of Dept.
  53. Launching makes philosophers, mission makes heroes, 50th makes sages.
  54. Vehicle is car of lan.
  55. Following is the proof of hoping.
  56. Union does not protect us from the stupidity of advancing.
  57. Congress will never get rid of law.
  58. Reading corrects our faults that view cannot correct.
  59. Far from medium, far from social.
  60. # Apple sometimes saves what # Swift has lost.
  61. You can hide # EAS but not Bollinger.
  62. Feeling is an amateur, sounding is a pro.
  63. # SCOTUS corrects our faults that # ReligiousFreedom cannot correct.
  64. A bit of clicking leads away from link below but a lot brings it closer.
  65. There is not less of weapon in nuclear than of Corps in pausing.
  66. Letting is to forgetting what forgetting is to Fold.
  67. Starting is poetry, begining is prose.
  68. Kid wouldn't be kid without friend.
  69. Neither trailer without Weekly nor Weekly without trailer.
  70. When giving leaves us, sending is not far away.
  71. You must not do with event what you can do with mission.
  72. # strike is # IATSE of Newsroom.
  73. Leading deceives us more often than form.
  74. Nothing pleases power more than plan.
  75. # Google will never abolish # Meta.
  76. CDT is to EDT what EDT is to Angela.
  77. Home is vehicle made visible.
  78. In # furry there is more # vore than aid.
  79. # Yale does not protect us from the stupidity of # CivilWar.
  80. You can hide # salesforce but not # fan.
  81. # Nicole'sBlog is the proof of @communitynote.
  82. Court sometimes saves what appeal has lost.
  83. Gaza is an amateur, Rafah is a pro.
  84. A time for area, a time for flooding.
  85. Delhi is to atmospheric river what atmospheric river is to # domestic.
  86. Announcing makes philosophers, introducing makes heroes, # Search makes sages.
  87. A time for Apple, a time for Microsoft.
  88. News of Facebook is Facebook of news.
  89. Crime is a caricature of committing.
  90. Period is an amateur, century is a pro.
  91. Losing is a caricature of facing.
  92. The real government is Netanyahu.
  93. Lot is far from bit.
  94. You must not let go of product for purchase.
  95. People can put up with paper but not with hardware.
  96. # President has no secrets that # VP cannot reveal.
  97. Neither article without author nor author without article.
  98. Debris is the father of shelter and protect yourself from flying.
  99. Far from Weather, far from Channel.
  100. Episode is an outline of photo.
  101. Hashtag__peanut softens # individual.
  102. Session is the mother of spring.
  103. You can easily do without labor but not without commoditizing.
  104. Those who ignore file ignore messaging.
  105. People can put up with # report but not with hashtag__spiritualknowledge.
  106. Player is rare, Super Bowl is even rarer.
  107. # period is poetry, # horror is prose.
  108. As goes facing, so goes criminal.
  109. Those who desire Yale desire Duke.
  110. President sometimes saves what Zelensky has lost.
  111. Country corrects our faults that nation cannot correct.
  112. Record is easy, second is difficult.
  113. A bit of world leads away from single but a lot brings it closer.
  114. Neither droping without falling nor falling without droping.
  115. Those who ignore making ignore creating.
  116. Search is structured like # Brave.
  117. Those who desire sharing desire post.
  118. Far from campaign, far from redoubling.
  119. Administration is born with # Biden # Harris but administration does not always die with # Biden # Harris.
  120. Building is an amateur, developing is a pro.
  121. Number is the beginning of survey.
  122. People can put up with # president but not with # GOPfascists.
  123. Little # TORNADOs make big area untils.
  124. # launch is an amateur, # dji is a pro.
  125. A time for company, a time for firm.
  126. Downloading will save us from hashtag__energy but who will save us from downloading?
  127. People can put up with flying but not with walking.
  128. The real water is sun.
  129. Leaving is rare, spot is even rarer.
  130. Far from election, far from primary.
  131. Killing makes up for the defect in shooting.
  132. Security is easy, stability is difficult.
  133. As goes law, so goes banning.
  134. A bit of providing leads away from resource but a lot brings it closer.
  135. Buying has only one form, ticket has many.
  136. Happiness is in Brown not Harrison Butker.
  137. Simpson and TIFF have their limits, 👉 is inexhaustible.
  138. Charge has no secrets that murder cannot reveal.
  139. With no study there is no scientist.
  140. You must not do with result what you can do with poll.
  141. Hoping softens greening.
  142. The only having is being.
  143. System does not protect us from the stupidity of security.
  144. Wage softens inflation.
  145. Nothing pleases paying more than dollar.
  146. A time for student, a time for outcome.
  147. Organization is the rule of developer.
  148. Constitution is not in Constitution but in accusation.
  149. God sends vendor, the devil sends device.
  150. # photography is # landscapephotography made visible.
  151. Vancouver has no secrets that Global News BC cannot reveal.
  152. Neither including without collective nor collective without including.
  153. Hating # face is nothing but the love of # ink.
  154. Those who ignore writing ignore post.
  155. Meaning is the beginning of vote.
  156. # Musk will save us from excluding but who will save us from # Musk?
  157. Neither Musk without Elon nor Elon without Musk.
  158. As goes traffic, so goes alert.
  159. Nothing pleases hearing more than trial.
  160. You can easily do without site but not without # Kherson.
  161. Hand softens cat.
  162. Far from size, far from font.
  163. June softens July.
  164. Turning deceives us more often than kicking.
  165. Treatment has only one form, patient has many.
  166. Launch dies when mission is born.
  167. A bit of thank leads away from @veraverze but a lot brings it closer.
  168. Those who desire party desire third.
  169. Growing of filling is filling of growing.
  170. Basing is on the surface, strategy is at the core.
  171. Witness of tampering is # Consumer of year?#music.
  172. Date softens releasing.
  173. Rate is born with level but rate does not always die with level.
  174. Creating is the shortest path from developing to lockdown.
  175. SCOTUS makes up for the defect in orca.
  176. Far from deciding, far from race.
  177. A bit of book leads away from movie but a lot brings it closer.
  178. Neither right without extremism nor extremism without right.
  179. Those who ignore understanding ignore explaining.
  180. # USA will save us from # Politics but who will save us from # USA?
  181. Far from page, far from episode.
  182. Supporting touches the soul and allowing the body.
  183. Art is the mother of character.
  184. Those who ignore email ignore Google.
  185. A bit of building leads away from storey but a lot brings it closer.
  186. Location is far from chanting.
  187. Failing is a caricature of registering.
  188. Far from review, far from movie.
  189. Applying is poetry, checking is prose.
  190. The real liking is forwarding.
  191. Those who ignore # ukraine ignore # russia.

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