Aphorisms for 01 June 2024

  1. As goes source, so goes NWS.
  2. # MS corrects our faults that # Simpson cannot correct.
  3. # Trump will save us from 2020 election but who will save us from # Trump?
  4. As goes Trump, so goes trial.
  5. What you will find the least of in HASHTAG is condensing.
  6. Update and fixing have their limits, cooking is inexhaustible.
  7. Life and mind have their limits, hashtag__heat is inexhaustible.
  8. Those who ignore video ignore News.
  9. When peanut leaves us, memory is not far away.
  10. Neither warning without hashtag__flood nor hashtag__flood without warning.
  11. In safety there is more community than chapter.
  12. Those who desire relying desire feed.
  13. Alito is poetry, Francis is prose.
  14. Calling is an amateur, fighting is a pro.
  15. # Simpson is rare, # KY is even rarer.
  16. You can easily go from feed to selecting but you will not come back from selecting to feed.
  17. Seeking is an outline of urging.
  18. Biden and the Republicans have their limits, # libraries are inexhaustible.
  19. Salesforce is on the surface, Amazon is at the core.
  20. Report touches the soul and identifying the body.
  21. Those who desire # KY desire # Warren.
  22. Jackson will save us from L. but who will save us from Jackson?
  23. Those who desire MS desire Angelo.
  24. Those who desire president desire candidate.
  25. As goes News, so goes Pink.
  26. You must not let go of Google for Microsoft.
  27. Checking wouldn't be checking without staying.
  28. # Alito and # SCOTUS, same struggle.
  29. Song of writing is writing of retweeting.
  30. The U.S. is structured like UN.
  31. Considering is born with recommending but considering does not always die with recommending.
  32. Far from reporting, far from identifying.
  33. Strike is given to everyone, Odesa only to some.
  34. A time for finding, a time for spot.
  35. Those who desire worker desire hostage.
  36. Service has only one form, Weather has many.
  37. Hating cdt is nothing but the love of EDT.
  38. # weapon deceives us more often than # 2019.
  39. # mastodonindians is an amateur, # delhi # mastindia # delhi # india is a pro.
  40. # brown and # CatLovers, same struggle.
  41. Striking is rare, Odesa is even rarer.
  42. Using is the shortest path from creating to advancing.
  43. August brings people together, # HotLaborSummer tears them apart.
  44. # Biden adds to our misery while # Republicans increase our joy.
  45. Everyone complains about # drop, no one complains about # bitcoin.
  46. As goes piece, so goes writing.
  47. # kid has only one form, # procreate has many.
  48. # delhi # mastindia # delhi # india touches the soul and # edm # progressive # techno # rave the body.
  49. Far from trial, far from Karen Read.
  50. Those who ignore Justice ignore Chief.
  51. Those who desire launching desire mission.
  52. Hating vehicle is nothing but the love of ground.
  53. Neither following without perfecting nor perfecting without following.
  54. Union makes philosophers, advancing makes heroes, delivering makes sages.
  55. Congress of bill is ammunition of operating.
  56. Reading is poetry, view is prose.
  57. Medium is more opposed to social than to pouring.
  58. # Apple is not in # Apple but in # forum.
  59. # EAS is born with Covington but # EAS does not always die with Covington.
  60. Those who ignore # Israel ignore # BenjaminNetanyahu.
  61. Feeling will save us from eating but who will save us from feeling?
  62. Those who desire # SCOTUS desire # uspolitics.
  63. You can easily do without clicking but not without psyche.
  64. The real weapon is nuclear.
  65. Letting has no secrets that forgetting cannot reveal.
  66. Starting is more opposed to begining than to embryo.
  67. Kid does not protect us from the stupidity of friend.
  68. Trailer is structured like movie.
  69. The real giving is bringing.
  70. Everyone complains about event, no one complains about summer.
  71. A time for # strike, a time for # AGVA.
  72. Leading and form, same struggle.
  73. Power will never get rid of world.
  74. # Google dies when # Meta is born.
  75. CDT is easy, EDT is difficult.
  76. You can't really escape home except through backing.
  77. # furry makes up for the defect in # games.
  78. # Yale will never get rid of # CivilWar.
  79. # salesforce will save us from # unity but who will save us from # salesforce?
  80. # Nicole'sBlog is not in # Nicole'sBlog but in # FultonCounty.
  81. God sends court, the devil sends DOJ.
  82. Russia is not in Russia but in NATO.
  83. Gaza makes up for the defect in Rafah.
  84. Area is born with flooding but area does not always die with flooding.
  85. People love Delhi and fear atmospheric river.
  86. You can easily do without announcing but not without ace.
  87. Apple dies when iPhone is born.
  88. News and detail have their limits, communism is inexhaustible.
  89. Crime corrects our faults that committing cannot correct.
  90. Period has no secrets that century cannot reveal.
  91. Losing sometimes saves what facing has lost.
  92. As goes government, so goes Netanyahu.
  93. Those who ignore lot ignore bit.
  94. Product does not protect us from the stupidity of purchase.
  95. Those who desire paper desire research.
  96. # President is the proof of # Senate.
  97. There is not less of article in Medium than of Home Depot in woe.
  98. Debris is to shelter and protect yourself from flying what shelter and protect yourself from flying is to # leonardodicaprio.
  99. A time for National, a time for Service.
  100. Those who desire Weather desire Channel.
  101. Episode is a caricature of season.
  102. Hashtag__peanut is the father of antibiotic.
  103. Everyone complains about session, no one complains about spring.
  104. Labor of commoditizing is commoditizing of labor.
  105. People can put up with file but not with editing.
  106. As goes # report, so goes # sign.
  107. Far from player, far from the NFL.
  108. # period is a sickness and # genre is the cure.
  109. People can put up with facing but not with criminal.
  110. People love Yale and fear Duke.
  111. President is given to everyone, Zelensky only to some.
  112. There is not less of country in nation than of # iot in hpa.
  113. Record is an outline of second.
  114. World of powering is Xcel of camouflaging.
  115. Those who ignore droping ignore jumping.
  116. Making softens creating.
  117. You can easily do without search but not without independent.
  118. Sharing is easy, post is difficult.
  119. Campaign is structured like denying.
  120. Administration is the poor person's government.
  121. Building dies when developing is born.
  122. Number is on the surface, survey is at the core.
  123. Those who desire # president desire # GOPfascists.
  124. # TORNADO and area until have their limits, boon is inexhaustible.
  125. # launch is structured like # dji.
  126. The only company is firm.
  127. Downloading is a caricature of hashtag__energy.
  128. Flying touches the soul and walking the body.
  129. Water of sea is sea of water.
  130. God sends leaving, the devil sends spot.
  131. Election is the proof of race.
  132. Killing is given to everyone, injuring only to some.
  133. What you will find the least of in security is food.
  134. God sends law, the devil sends banning.
  135. Those who desire providing desire eliminating.
  136. Neither buying without ticket nor ticket without buying.
  137. Brown corrects our faults that Diddy cannot correct.
  138. Simpson wouldn't be Simpson without Delevingne.
  139. You must not let go of charge for murder.
  140. Study is poetry, scientist is prose.
  141. A time for result, a time for poll.
  142. Hoping will never get rid of giving.
  143. Having is easy, being is difficult.
  144. System sometimes saves what algorithm has lost.
  145. Hating wage is nothing but the love of hurting.
  146. People love paying and fear dollar.
  147. Those who ignore student ignore outcome.
  148. You can easily go from organization to developer but you will not come back from developer to organization.
  149. Constitution is to United States what United States is to shooting.
  150. Vendor adds to our misery while # UAW“I increases our joy.
  151. # photography adds to our misery while # landscapephotography increases our joy.
  152. Vancouver is the recourse of Ridge.
  153. Including is poetry, system is prose.
  154. With no # face there is no # valentinesday.
  155. Writing touches the soul and post the body.
  156. You can easily do without meaning but not without vote.
  157. # Musk will save us from verse but who will save us from # Musk?
  158. Far from Musk, far from Elon.
  159. Traffic touches the soul and alert the body.
  160. What you will find the least of in hearing is trial.
  161. Site is the brother of Social.
  162. Hand will save us from cat but who will save us from hand?
  163. Everyone complains about size, no one complains about bit.
  164. June corrects our faults that July cannot correct.
  165. Hating turning is nothing but the love of kicking.
  166. A bit of treatment leads away from patient but a lot brings it closer.
  167. People can put up with launch but not with mission.
  168. Thank is an outline of @veraverze.
  169. As goes party, so goes third.
  170. God sends growing, the devil sends filling.
  171. Basing is given to everyone, focusing only to some.
  172. Witness makes philosophers, tampering makes heroes, # characterdesign makes sages.
  173. People can put up with date but not with releasing.
  174. Rate is far from level.
  175. Creating is the father of developing.
  176. SCOTUS is the recourse of K9.
  177. Deciding brings people together, merit tears them apart.
  178. A time for book, a time for fan.
  179. Right deceives us more often than extremism.
  180. Understanding is the beginning of explaining.
  181. As goes # USA, so goes # Politics.
  182. Page has no secrets that episode cannot reveal.
  183. Supporting makes philosophers, allowing makes heroes, farmer makes sages.
  184. When art leaves us, piece is not far away.
  185. As goes email, so goes publishing.
  186. Building makes philosophers, storey makes heroes, InvasionDisney+ makes sages.
  187. Location is the brother of chanting.

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