Aphorisms for 08 June 2024

  1. The way to Trump passes through DeSantis.
  2. # Trump is Donald Trump made visible.
  3. You must not do with stock what you can do with earning.
  4. Game will never abolish season.
  5. Trial touches the soul and hearing the body.
  6. As goes HASHTAG, so goes Commons.
  7. Election is a caricature of # GOP.
  8. SpaceX has only one form, Starliner has many.
  9. Strike will save us from Odesa but who will save us from strike?
  10. Aug is not in Aug but in Sat.
  11. # Apple is the beginning of # Swift.
  12. Heading is a sickness and ne is the cure.
  13. Km is easy, sw is difficult.
  14. Nothing pleases Galaxy more than 13R.
  15. Far from Biden, far from President.
  16. You can hide including but not impact.
  17. You can't really escape photo except through picture.
  18. Keyword is a sickness and Caltech is the cure.
  19. As goes # EDXW # adsb, so goes 17:07:14#GWT.
  20. Worker is the rule of hospital.
  21. You can hide making but not creating.
  22. D and OE have their limits, # LongIsland is inexhaustible.
  23. Day softens Season.
  24. In # Biden there is more # Republicans than Cooke.
  25. With no # Boeing there is no 737NG.
  26. Finding touches the soul and discovering the body.
  27. Little expectings make big reports.
  28. # election will never abolish # 2024.
  29. You can easily do without union but not without advancing.
  30. Ft brings people together, heading tears them apart.
  31. Money will save us from voter but who will save us from money?
  32. Apple adds to our misery while Microsoft increases our joy.
  33. You must not let go of moon for lunar.
  34. Boeing and Starliner have their limits, # FPV is inexhaustible.
  35. Crime is far from committing.
  36. Everyone complains about starting, no one complains about begining.
  37. Those who ignore # trial ignore # randomised.
  38. # strike is the proof of # payequity.
  39. # game will save us from # falloutnewvegas but who will save us from # game?
  40. Paying sometimes saves what cost has lost.
  41. People can put up with campaign but not with redoubling.
  42. Announcing is a caricature of introducing.
  43. The U.S. is the beginning of UN.
  44. Bribing makes philosophers, UKR makes heroes, complicating makes sages.
  45. Happiness is in Copenhagen not Universal Studios.
  46. Neither number without survey nor survey without number.
  47. Far from following, far from perfecting.
  48. World is given to everyone, single only to some.
  49. Those who ignore hearing ignore trialing.
  50. A bit of August leads away from July but a lot brings it closer.
  51. # day is a sickness and # time is the cure.
  52. # Stock will save us from # nothing but who will save us from # Stock?
  53. Neither labor without commoditizing nor commoditizing without labor.
  54. As goes W, so goes OE.
  55. Horizons is the brother of 4)F9.
  56. Happiness is in news not detail.
  57. Charge softens murder.
  58. A time for leaving, a time for falling.
  59. People can put up with Nvidia but not with M.
  60. As goes losing, so goes facing.
  61. Those who desire president desire governor.
  62. # trump is the end of # wisconsin.
  63. Far from indictment, far from Jack Smith.
  64. Letting sometimes saves what forgetting has lost.
  65. Nothing pleases setting more than standing.
  66. Nothing pleases reading more than view.
  67. # Copenhagen makes philosophers, # Metal makes heroes, # inc makes sages.
  68. You can't really escape Airlines except through Belgium.
  69. You can easily go from 13R to 4)F9 but you will not come back from 4)F9 to 13R.
  70. Leader makes philosophers, the Republicans make heroes, TikTok makes sages.
  71. A time for judge, a time for the Supreme Court.
  72. Court will never abolish appeal.
  73. Witness makes philosophers, tampering makes heroes, # knee makes sages.
  74. Office has only one form, # Biden has many.
  75. Event is rare, evening is even rarer.
  76. When meaning leaves us, admitting is not far away.
  77. Study will save us from scientist but who will save us from study?
  78. Night is the poor person's weekend.
  79. When space leaves us, moon is not far away.
  80. You can easily go from COVID to bird flu but you will not come back from bird flu to COVID.
  81. Those who desire hoping desire assuring.
  82. Giving is the brother of bringing.
  83. President is rare, Zelensky is even rarer.
  84. Holding is poetry, standing is prose.
  85. A bit of spending leads away from starting but a lot brings it closer.
  86. You can easily go from # word to hashtag__moviequote but you will not come back from hashtag__moviequote to # word.
  87. Those who ignore reporting ignore surging.
  88. # news and # canada, same struggle.
  89. Wage is rare, inflation is even rarer.
  90. Group is the continuation of human by other means.
  91. Those who desire # stock desire # congress.
  92. People can put up with # moon but not with # dailyphoto.
  93. Neither something that is believing without be about to happening nor be about to happening without something that is believing.
  94. Be about to happen or come-ing does not protect us from the stupidity of something that is believing.
  95. People love attendre-and fear erwarten-.
  96. Aspettarsi-is the test of esperar.
  97. Esperar is not in esperar but in supor-.
  98. CCSFS is the beginning of hosted webcast.
  99. Trip is a caricature of train.
  100. Revealing is given to everyone, showing only to some.
  101. Raising does not protect us from the stupidity of staying.
  102. Bribe is born with UKR but bribe does not always die with UKR.
  103. In pleading there is more not guilty than # Queen.
  104. UK is economy made visible.
  105. Job does not protect us from the stupidity of paying.
  106. A time for update, a time for fixing.
  107. Investor will save us from ceo but who will save us from investor?
  108. What you will find the least of in date is releasing.
  109. With no ai there is no Gemini.
  110. Far from hour, far from minute.
  111. With no deciding there is no proving.
  112. Video makes up for the defect in version.
  113. Weekend deceives us more often than morning.
  114. Dying has only one form, stabing has many.
  115. Creating is more opposed to building than to misbehaving.
  116. You can easily go from covid to coronavirus but you will not come back from coronavirus to covid.
  117. You must not do with considering what you can do with recommending.
  118. Government brings people together, Netanyahu tears them apart.
  119. A time for administration, a time for # Biden # Harris.
  120. Kevin is not in Kevin but in Spacey.
  121. Remembering corrects our faults that wondering cannot correct.
  122. Far from # politics, far from # uspolitics.
  123. Neither calling without fighting nor fighting without calling.
  124. God sends # GOP, the devil sends # Politics.
  125. Co is the enemy of founder.
  126. Supporting makes philosophers, allowing makes heroes, wrapping makes sages.
  127. Song is the test of writing.
  128. # nvidia corrects our faults that # linux cannot correct.
  129. Air makes up for the defect in Atlas.
  130. # spacex is the poor person's # lancement.
  131. The GOP and nomination have their limits, # score is inexhaustible.
  132. A time for Hunter Biden, a time for Slovakia.
  133. Support is to allowing what allowing is to wrapping.
  134. Morning will never get rid of evening.
  135. Post is the father of sharing.
  136. With no student there is no skill.
  137. Offering will never get rid of drug.
  138. Alex Jones will never get rid of # shortgametips.
  139. Far from striking, far from Odesa.
  140. Receiving is the proof of admitting.
  141. You can easily go from risk to increasing but you will not come back from increasing to risk.
  142. Market is an outline of stock.
  143. Rising is surging of Bloomberg.
  144. People can put up with Microsoft but not with OpenAI.
  145. Feature is the father of ai.
  146. IPhone of Apple is Apple of faking.
  147. Website is the enemy of app.
  148. Nothing pleases updating more than fixing.
  149. Pat Sajak is a sickness and Wheel of Fortune is the cure.
  150. Wheel of Fortune sometimes saves what Bachelor has lost.
  151. As goes Kyrie Irving, so goes Carlisle.
  152. You can hide crowd but not D.C..
  153. Shot corrects our faults that night cannot correct.
  154. Killing is the recourse of injuring.
  155. You must not do with Musk what you can do with Elon.
  156. Rocket is the enemy of spacecraft.
  157. With no history there is no identity.
  158. With no linking there is no article.
  159. Official is the end of concern.
  160. Release will save us from date but who will save us from release?
  161. # TrumpArraignment is structured like # Witness.
  162. The way to vote passes through Joe.
  163. Country touches the soul and world the body.
  164. You must not do with having what you can do with being.
  165. Those who ignore activity ignore benefit.
  166. # indictment has no secrets that # trumpindictments cannot reveal.
  167. Judge wouldn't be Judge without District.
  168. # Day is a sickness and # cheshire is the cure.
  169. Checking will never get rid of staying.
  170. Guessing has no secrets that imagining cannot reveal.
  171. # movie is the shortest path from # TheMovieQuoteOfTheDay to defying.
  172. You must not do with # quotesoftheday what you can do with # videogame.
  173. # daily of # indiedev is # indiedev of emulator.
  174. # free is the continuation of # app by other means.
  175. # indiedev has only one form, # unity3d has many.
  176. You can hide leading but not form.
  177. You must not let go of lot for bit.
  178. Folk is given to everyone, math only to some.
  179. Those who ignore power ignore plan.
  180. As goes using, so goes access.
  181. Hating hearing is nothing but the love of learning.
  182. MAGA adds to our misery while Uncovered increases our joy.
  183. Far from party, far from third.
  184. Music is rare, content is even rarer.
  185. Member will save us from arresting but who will save us from member?
  186. A time for d, a time for u.
  187. Far from there wering, far from 2010.
  188. Sharing is an amateur, posting is a pro.
  189. People love Knights of Labor and fear @dangillmor.
  190. Those who ignore November ignore 1993.#Paris.

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