Aphorisms for 10 June 2024

  1. # Trump is unsealing made visible.
  2. Trump is given to everyone, DeSantis only to some.
  3. Update is fixing of hashtag__extremism.
  4. A bit of election leads away from # GOP but a lot brings it closer.
  5. You can easily go from # Tesla to jailbreaking but you will not come back from jailbreaking to # Tesla.
  6. # Giants touch the soul and backstage the body.
  7. Tesla of Elon Musk is Airborne of Lynch.
  8. Bird softens flu.
  9. HASHTAG will never abolish Commons.
  10. You must not do with calling what you can do with fighting.
  11. Everyone complains about June, no one complains about July.
  12. Happiness is in finding not body.
  13. As goes Mexico, so goes Arizona.
  14. When Anders leaves us, Eleanor Coppola is not far away.
  15. Flu is the poor person's virus.
  16. Neither reading without view nor view without reading.
  17. In leaving there is more family than triumph.
  18. Dying is a sickness and stabing is the cure.
  19. When vote leaves us, nominee is not far away.
  20. Dreyfus is reauthorization of # tornado.
  21. In party there is more candidate than Merchan.
  22. Julia is Gill made visible.
  23. Hating # Leave is nothing but the love of vote.
  24. Car sometimes saves what driving has lost.
  25. Far from # Apple, far from # Macintosh.
  26. You must not let go of video for writing.
  27. Biden adds to our misery while government increases our joy.
  28. Starting is born with begining but starting does not always die with begining.
  29. Home corrects our faults that vehicle cannot correct.
  30. Team sometimes saves what player has lost.
  31. # election brings people together, # 2024 tears them apart.
  32. # Mexico is the brother of # history.
  33. # Biden is given to everyone, # Republicans only to some.
  34. In government there is more Netanyahu than Crisis.
  35. Suspect is on the surface, victim is at the core.
  36. County brings people together, NIH tears them apart.
  37. Announcing is rare, chip is even rarer.
  38. Reporting is the brother of surging.
  39. Neither # Louis without Stefano nor Stefano without # Louis.
  40. Right touches the soul and group the body.
  41. France is the shortest path from Paris to places!#streaming.
  42. In making there is more creating than clout.
  43. News does not protect us from the stupidity of CBC.
  44. God sends change, the devil sends brain.
  45. Voting is structured like nominee.
  46. Photo of picture is photo of # Spain.
  47. With no Alzheimer there is no palsy.
  48. Losing sometimes saves what hiring has lost.
  49. Crime is committing of # InVintage.
  50. Meaning is the mother of vote.
  51. # party is the test of # birthday.
  52. People can put up with range but not with reduction.
  53. EU is Authority made visible.
  54. Paying is poetry, cost is prose.
  55. Killing is on the surface, strike is at the core.
  56. Office is the beginning of occupying.
  57. Winning is rare, beating is even rarer.
  58. President has no secrets that leader cannot reveal.
  59. Musk is Elon made visible.
  60. The U.S. is the continuation of aid by other means.
  61. Apple is the test of iPhone.
  62. A bit of letting leads away from forgetting but a lot brings it closer.
  63. A time for news, a time for detail.
  64. Louis has only one form, Albert has many.
  65. When disease leaves us, factor is not far away.
  66. When indictment leaves us, Jack Smith is not far away.
  67. The only world is single.
  68. # home is given to everyone, # pattern only to some.
  69. # flu will never get rid of # H5N1.
  70. Those who desire using desire access.
  71. Writing sometimes saves what post has lost.
  72. Trial is the rule of hush.
  73. Happiness is in life not timeline.
  74. As goes # June, so goes # Pride.
  75. Setting has no secrets that standing cannot reveal.
  76. As goes following, so goes thank.
  77. Report is poetry, surging is prose.
  78. India and Louisiana have their limits, ProfilesKodiak is inexhaustible.
  79. Datum has no secrets that research cannot reveal.
  80. Game is given to everyone, season only to some.
  81. A bit of giving leads away from bringing but a lot brings it closer.
  82. As goes season, so goes round.
  83. Neither history without identity nor identity without history.
  84. # trump is on the surface, # classifieddocs is at the core.
  85. Liking is the continuation of eating by other means.
  86. Lot is a caricature of bit.
  87. Far from increasing, far from risk.
  88. Researcher is structured like study.
  89. System is the proof of user.
  90. You can easily go from # leave to # mentalhealth but you will not come back from # mentalhealth to # leave.
  91. Night is the proof of weekend.
  92. Student is an outline of skill.
  93. # EU will save us from # Pentagon # Military # War # Ukraine but who will save us from # EU?
  94. Problem is the rule of symptom.
  95. # Musk is rare, verse is even rarer.
  96. # julia sometimes saves what # BrokenCodeRyeDai has lost.
  97. Neither # dreyfus without # VancouverIsland nor # VancouverIsland without # dreyfus.
  98. Driver is car of finding.
  99. You can't really escape actor except through premiere.
  100. Those who desire Giants desire Pelicans.
  101. Experience and network have their limits, Target is inexhaustible.
  102. Far from creating, far from building.
  103. Claiming and alleging have their limits, fever is inexhaustible.
  104. Charge is easy, murder is difficult.
  105. # GOP is the shortest path from # election to 🔥.
  106. Hoping is the father of choosing.
  107. Happiness is in project not development.
  108. Capacity is the enemy of PICU.
  109. You can't really escape condition except through violation.
  110. Number of survey is number of # disparities.
  111. Those who desire source desire NWS.
  112. Group will save us from provider but who will save us from group?
  113. Neither August without July nor July without August.
  114. Adding dies when starting is born.
  115. File adds to our misery while downloading increases our joy.
  116. Twitter makes philosophers, customer makes heroes, engineer makes sages.
  117. # austerity makes philosophers, k^2 makes heroes, comic makes sages.
  118. Administration is # Biden # Harris made visible.
  119. MSU is on the surface, Augusta is at the core.
  120. Sharing is the father of post.
  121. # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine does not protect us from the stupidity of # Press # News.
  122. Product and customer have their limits, suing is inexhaustible.
  123. Deciding is given to everyone, proving only to some.
  124. Those who ignore paper ignore emergence.
  125. People can put up with convicting but not with criminal.
  126. Zola will never abolish Doctor.
  127. Those who ignore # Games # VideoGames # RetroGaming # Shadowrun ignore # seedbanks.
  128. # SNES # Nintendo # Anders of # Games # VideoGames # RetroGaming # Shadowrun is suppressing of # immigrants.
  129. Those who ignore body ignore barrier.
  130. Tv is the end of rumor.
  131. Doctor is an outline of woman.
  132. Michael Mosley softens Sean Payton.
  133. California will save us from NYC but who will save us from California?
  134. Far from holding, far from standing.
  135. When opinion leaves us, microbiome is not far away.
  136. When rolling leaves us, walking is not far away.
  137. A bit of shooting leads away from B.C. but a lot brings it closer.
  138. Passing touches the soul and carrying the body.
  139. As goes hitting, so goes falling.
  140. Leading touches the soul and form the body.
  141. A time for Fed, a time for decision.
  142. Avoiding is the shortest path from refusing to Oldest.
  143. Everyone complains about rate, no one complains about level.
  144. Pay is rare, cost is even rarer.
  145. Elon of privatizing is privatizing of hashtag__joining.
  146. Striking is rare, bomb is even rarer.
  147. Talking is learning made visible.
  148. Expecting adds to our misery while election increases our joy.
  149. As goes event, so goes evening.
  150. Learning is the shortest path from talk to raid.
  151. You can't really escape victory except through general.
  152. Selling is given to everyone, paying only to some.
  153. Sale is born with price but sale does not always die with price.
  154. Neither Caitlin Clark without UConn nor UConn without Caitlin Clark.
  155. You can easily go from test to bird flu but you will not come back from bird flu to test.
  156. A bit of infection leads away from bird flu but a lot brings it closer.
  157. Nothing pleases throwing more than hanging.
  158. Point will save us from victory but who will save us from point?
  159. Image sometimes saves what capturing has lost.
  160. Job and paying have their limits, charges he is inexhaustible.
  161. The only facing is criminal.
  162. When campaign leaves us, redoubling is not far away.
  163. You can't really escape # Home except through # MidWinter.
  164. You can easily do without # art but not without # MastoArt.
  165. Those who ignore album ignore debut.
  166. July is February of # Elections.
  167. American makes philosophers, Army makes heroes, hashtag__crisis makes sages.
  168. # die is a sickness and # whenever is the cure.
  169. The way to officer passes through police.
  170. Care and benefit, same struggle.
  171. In RSV there is more influenza than september.
  172. Nothing pleases vaccine more than virus.
  173. You can hide # Flu but not clay.
  174. Hospital wouldn't be hospital without resident.
  175. What you will find the least of in hour is minute.
  176. Considering is given to everyone, recommending only to some.
  177. Release is the father of date.
  178. # Brexit is structured like dela.
  179. Neither set without standing nor standing without set.
  180. Post is the enemy of Washington.
  181. As goes # TrumpArraignment, so goes # Witness.
  182. Those who ignore run ignore bus.
  183. Hearing is the continuation of trial by other means.
  184. When date leaves us, releasing is not far away.
  185. You can easily go from supporting to access but you will not come back from access to supporting.
  186. English is the recourse of angleščini.
  187. Those who ignore cat ignore hiding.
  188. People love Connecticut and fear Wolcott.
  189. Sunset is on the surface, Scoville is at the core.
  190. MAGA is an amateur, Uncovered is a pro.
  191. Lawsuit is not in lawsuit but in rule.
  192. Those who desire Jalin Hyatt desire Daniel Jones.

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