Aphorisms for 11 June 2024

  1. Those who ignore finding ignore spot.
  2. As goes Trump, so goes DeSantis.
  3. Game is the proof of player.
  4. You can easily go from following to dm but you will not come back from dm to following.
  5. HASHTAG makes philosophers, Commons makes heroes, Savage makes sages.
  6. As goes # Trump, so goes # USNews.
  7. Far from piece, far from writing.
  8. The only stock is market.
  9. Happiness is in fire not police.
  10. Trial is given to everyone, hush only to some.
  11. Those who ignore health ignore medical.
  12. Study sometimes saves what scientist has lost.
  13. Alzheimer adds to our misery while Neuralink increases our joy.
  14. Food is on the surface, security is at the core.
  15. God sends posting, the devil sends writing.
  16. # health sometimes saves what # ThisIsAmerica has lost.
  17. Content has no secrets that ad cannot reveal.
  18. Exhibit is not in exhibit but in chemical.
  19. The real season is round.
  20. Diet deceives us more often than risk.
  21. Place deceives us more often than city.
  22. The way to # WNBA passes through mock draft.
  23. A time for # Panthers, a time for Nets.
  24. Setting brings people together, completing tears them apart.
  25. You can't really escape # NBA except through # basketball.
  26. Neither # Apple without # iPhone nor # iPhone without # Apple.
  27. Showing sometimes saves what revealing has lost.
  28. People can put up with life but not with mind.
  29. Lakers is rare, playoff is even rarer.
  30. You can't really escape flu except through milk.
  31. August will never get rid of July.
  32. # Alzheimer has only one form, outliving has many.
  33. A time for reading, a time for view.
  34. Neither # elephant without # micro nor # micro without # elephant.
  35. God sends art, the devil sends piece.
  36. Including sometimes saves what according has lost.
  37. Team is player made visible.
  38. Far from WNBA, far from playoff.
  39. A time for starting, a time for begining.
  40. Nothing pleases sharing more than post.
  41. With no # art there is no # MastoArt.
  42. # death wouldn't be # death without # rationing.
  43. # astronaut is an amateur, # artwork is a pro.
  44. Source is on the surface, NWS is at the core.
  45. As goes death, so goes victim.
  46. Those who ignore OpenAI ignore Microsoft.
  47. There is not less of member in arresting than of cop in migrant.
  48. When astronaut leaves us, Starliner is not far away.
  49. Talking does not protect us from the stupidity of speaking.
  50. People love feeling and fear little.
  51. # hostage and # mattgaetz, same struggle.
  52. # trial brings people together, # randomised tears them apart.
  53. There is not less of reporting in surging than of rainfall in southwest.
  54. # AI deceives us more often than # OpenAI.
  55. Those who ignore # Sunak ignore # Plan.
  56. Those who desire # game desire # fallout.
  57. When video leaves us, version is not far away.
  58. Gaza deceives us more often than Rafah.
  59. Dying is not in dying but in stabing.
  60. Revealing is the rule of show.
  61. As goes announcing, so goes unveiling.
  62. Home is an amateur, vehicle is a pro.
  63. Photo is poetry, picture is prose.
  64. As goes system, so goes user.
  65. You can hide vaccine but not virus.
  66. Change and behavior, same struggle.
  67. Disease is given to everyone, factor only to some.
  68. With no continuing there is no transfer.
  69. Hating crime is nothing but the love of committing.
  70. Losing is an amateur, facing is a pro.
  71. When care leaves us, lack is not far away.
  72. # macro has only one form, # stomp has many.
  73. Far from fun, far from little.
  74. Hand is a caricature of life.
  75. The way to hour passes through minute.
  76. # Stock is far from # nothing.
  77. OnePlus wouldn't be OnePlus without Pad.
  78. You can easily go from # exhibit to # to but you will not come back from # to to # exhibit.
  79. Rescue sometimes saves what rushing has lost.
  80. Nothing pleases adding more than building.
  81. Elephant makes philosophers, entangling makes heroes, # win makes sages.
  82. Family and victim have their limits, trooper is inexhaustible.
  83. Opening is easy, catching is difficult.
  84. As goes using, so goes creating.
  85. Those who ignore election ignore race.
  86. Sunak of Rishi is diedlinking of tiktok.
  87. June does not protect us from the stupidity of July.
  88. In paying there is more cost than @ReutersBiz.
  89. Far from space, far from moon.
  90. A bit of event leads away from weekend but a lot brings it closer.
  91. Hearing is the shortest path from trial to shaping.
  92. Night will never abolish morning.
  93. A bit of learning leads away from hearing but a lot brings it closer.
  94. You can hide writing but not post.
  95. You must not do with meaning what you can do with vote.
  96. FA softens Aeturnus.
  97. Series corrects our faults that Antares cannot correct.
  98. With no level there is no rate.
  99. A bit of # nbanews leads away from # basketball # nbabasketball # nbaplayoffs # nbafinals but a lot brings it closer.
  100. # ballislife # nbaallstar # dunk # bball corrects our faults that # nbaedits # basketballislife # hoops cannot correct.
  101. A time for number, a time for survey.
  102. # rescue sometimes saves what # drop has lost.
  103. 👇 will save us from # Universal but who will save us from 👇?
  104. Patient does not protect us from the stupidity of cancer.
  105. Rate sometimes saves what leveling has lost.
  106. # assassin is on the surface, # digitalart is at the core.
  107. # flu is poetry, # H5N1 is prose.
  108. You can easily do without county but not without capacity.
  109. # diet is # fitness made visible.
  110. Neither killing without injuring nor injuring without killing.
  111. Supporting of allowing is work?that of flavor.
  112. Center deceives us more often than Hall.
  113. Money makes up for the defect in voter.
  114. Causing of increasing is immunization of ridiculing.
  115. You can easily go from record to second but you will not come back from second to record.
  116. The U.S. is poetry, UN is prose.
  117. Apple is the test of Microsoft.
  118. Building makes philosophers, developing makes heroes, Derrick makes sages.
  119. Bringing does not protect us from the stupidity of sending.
  120. Loving is to hearing what hearing is to Alaskapox.
  121. Area is the end of city.
  122. History is rare, identity is even rarer.
  123. Turning is the continuation of walking by other means.
  124. Line is an amateur, topping is a pro.
  125. Test and ai, same struggle.
  126. Those who ignore lifestyle ignore Mughal.
  127. Little increasings make big infections.
  128. Little appearings make big blowings.
  129. Interest deceives us more often than rate.
  130. Letting dies when forgetting is born.
  131. # MastoArt will save us from # illustration but who will save us from # MastoArt?
  132. Those who ignore # cats ignore # caturday.
  133. Lot is bit made visible.
  134. Friend is a sickness and son is the cure.
  135. With no # Fire there is no # BCWildfire.
  136. Article is on the surface, Medium is at the core.
  137. Jones brings people together, exit tears them apart.
  138. # show is more opposed to # talk than to # repairability.
  139. # Show is the mother of # ViNoInstagram.
  140. Neither tool without benchmark nor benchmark without tool.
  141. Pro dies when Series is born.
  142. # find is the poor person's # easyfind.
  143. When # stock leaves us, # scammers is not far away.
  144. You can easily do without hospital but not without victim.
  145. Happiness is in report not surging.
  146. Ruling class is born with Europeans but ruling class does not always die with Europeans.
  147. Europeans correct our faults that # Image cannot correct.
  148. There is not less of rescuing in rushing than of read?#Books in # cuteEveryone.
  149. Far from update, far from fixing.
  150. Doctor is the recourse of wild.
  151. Passing will save us from carrying but who will save us from passing?
  152. Claiming is the beginning of alleging.
  153. Reaching is a caricature of central.
  154. Treatment is far from patient.
  155. Holding has only one form, standing has many.
  156. Drug does not protect us from the stupidity of vaccine.
  157. Those who ignore expecting ignore election.
  158. Confirming has only one form, detecting has many.
  159. Activity is the test of gas.
  160. Assassin makes up for the defect in Macy.
  161. As goes age, so goes number.
  162. With no walking there is no catching.
  163. Staying softens moving.
  164. When seeking leaves us, requesting is not far away.
  165. People can put up with Caitlin Clark but not with UConn.
  166. Far from leaving, far from family.
  167. You must not let go of tv for rumor.
  168. Issue is easy, health is difficult.
  169. Risk is benefit of pastry.
  170. Cutting is pushing of racist.
  171. A time for climate, a time for increasing.
  172. Basing is far from strategy.
  173. A time for linking, a time for text.
  174. Condition touches the soul and tightening the body.
  175. Witness is the poor person's crime.
  176. News and detail have their limits, endwhich is inexhaustible.
  177. Hating date is nothing but the love of releasing.
  178. Brain is the continuation of factor by other means.
  179. # Health is the continuation of # Alzheimers by other means.
  180. Far from eye, far from business.
  181. Everyone complains about deciding, no one complains about admitting.
  182. A bit of visiting leads away from city but a lot brings it closer.
  183. Global News BC is born with live update but Global News BC does not always die with live update.
  184. Water is the continuation of wind by other means.
  185. Community is rare, financial is even rarer.
  186. Morning has only one form, evening has many.
  187. You can easily go from signing to pick but you will not come back from pick to signing.
  188. Far from Thomas, far from basic.
  189. Making is an outline of developing.
  190. # Rescue is born with # Baywatch but # Rescue does not always die with # Baywatch.
  191. God sends # Death, the devil sends # Drugs.
  192. Reason has only one form, feeling has many.
  193. You can easily go from file to Mac but you will not come back from Mac to file.

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