Aphorisms for 14 July 2024

  1. Trump is an outline of Biden.
  2. HASHTAG corrects our faults that Commons cannot correct.
  3. A bit of # Trump leads away from arraignment but a lot brings it closer.
  4. Biden is a sickness and the Supreme Court is the cure.
  5. Galaxy has no secrets that 13R cannot reveal.
  6. With no calling there is no nonprofit.
  7. Far from finding, far from passing.
  8. Those who ignore # Royals ignore # EWR.
  9. The real SpaceX is Starship.
  10. You must not let go of # Gaza for Strip.
  11. You can easily go from Warzone to ICAO but you will not come back from ICAO to Warzone.
  12. You can't really escape Aug except through Sat.
  13. Far from including, far from impact.
  14. You can easily do without Delta but not without linestype.
  15. As goes price, so goes cost.
  16. Those who ignore deal ignore spliting.
  17. With no # price there is no # smartwatch.
  18. Killing deceives us more often than injuring.
  19. Cancer sometimes saves what patient has lost.
  20. When flight leaves us, Starliner is not far away.
  21. Mexico is the proof of Chicago.
  22. Happiness is in # Biden not # Republicans.
  23. Duty is the father of Echoes.
  24. # Apple is easy, computer is difficult.
  25. # space is an amateur, # astrodon is a pro.
  26. President is rare, Zelensky is even rarer.
  27. Winning and race have their limits, # Northland is inexhaustible.
  28. Nothing pleases Air more than 767.
  29. You can easily go from dying to stabing but you will not come back from stabing to dying.
  30. Those who ignore # Hamas ignore discontent.
  31. # Mexico has only one form, # Switzerland has many.
  32. # Colorado will never abolish # Nevada.
  33. Those who ignore # cancer ignore # tumor.
  34. What you will find the least of in rally is John.
  35. With no targeting there is no weapon.
  36. Apple is the recourse of iPhone.
  37. Galaxy makes philosophers, repair makes heroes, # Manipulation makes sages.
  38. As goes game, so goes player.
  39. With no space there is no station.
  40. The U.S. is easy, UN is difficult.
  41. # Call has only one form, # pantsareon has many.
  42. Update is preview of Lavigne.
  43. The way to Israel passes through Iran.
  44. As goes data, so goes harvesting.
  45. Neither election without race nor race without election.
  46. As goes # Twitch, so goes # Call.
  47. # President is easy, # VP is difficult.
  48. A time for # DELTAOperator, a time for # A1286CCallsign.
  49. Kmhaltitude has only one form, # BRUSpeed has many.
  50. Mdistance adds to our misery while kmangle increases our joy.
  51. Those who desire kmangle desire ∆.
  52. Direction is not in direction but in °.
  53. Aircraft is far from LLCLayoff.
  54. Hating Horizons are nothing but the love of 4)F9.
  55. Feature touches the soul and ai the body.
  56. Those who desire president desire former.
  57. @palestine is the shortest path from @israel to # artificialintelligence.
  58. You can't really escape # stream except through # dcparrot.
  59. As goes # pantsareon, so goes # AnimationBook.
  60. Little # galaxys make big # woodworkings.
  61. What you will find the least of in # president is # GOPfascists.
  62. People love linestype and fear 332country.
  63. A time for # JFK, a time for # BRUSpeed.
  64. You can hide 13R but not 4)F9.
  65. Leaving is a sickness and falling is the cure.
  66. Expecting is easy, happening is difficult.
  67. Using is on the surface, app is at the core.
  68. Far from spec, far from X1.
  69. Samsung has only one form, Ultra has many.
  70. Nothing pleases setting more than date.
  71. Royals is the continuation of Elite by other means.
  72. When satellite leaves us, orbit is not far away.
  73. Colorado is the test of bank.
  74. Reading will save us from view but who will save us from reading?
  75. What you will find the least of in party is republican.
  76. A time for # Palestine, a time for # westbank.
  77. Those who desire # rally desire # criminalGOP.
  78. # cars are # ioniq of Lok Sabha.
  79. Loving softens enjoying.
  80. Home is the proof of school.
  81. You can't really escape # find except through # performance.
  82. You can hide # DAL140Registration but not N180DNICAO.
  83. # BRUSpeed will save us from # ORD but who will save us from # BRUSpeed?
  84. Neither # BrusselsAirport without 6x#Landing nor 6x#Landing without # BrusselsAirport.
  85. Far from blog, far from UTC.NASA.
  86. Happiness is in CCSFS not hosted webcast.
  87. Neither hour without minute nor minute without hour.
  88. Republican National Convention is the beginning of Kentucky Derby.
  89. Hating arresting is nothing but the love of officer.
  90. Revealing is an amateur, document is a pro.
  91. Police is born with officer but police does not always die with officer.
  92. Discovering is rare, developing is even rarer.
  93. Following is the continuation of raising by other means.
  94. Record is to wave what wave is to occupying.
  95. Far from world, far from single.
  96. Failure is rare, Rafah is even rarer.
  97. With no losing there is no leaving.
  98. Adult is given to everyone, animal only to some.
  99. Summer brings people together, weekend tears them apart.
  100. Hating announcing is nothing but the love of award.
  101. Administration is to # Biden # Harris what # Biden # Harris is to # Dell.
  102. Nothing pleases student more than struggling.
  103. MAGA is poetry, Uncovered is prose.
  104. Happening of wondering is wondering of happening.
  105. Video is more opposed to post than to # funny.
  106. Far from leading, far from developing.
  107. Giving will save us from bringing but who will save us from giving?
  108. A bit of town leads away from city but a lot brings it closer.
  109. Far from continuing, far from insisting.
  110. A time for # spacex, a time for # falcon.
  111. Reporting deceives us more often than surging.
  112. Those who ignore chance ignore instance.
  113. Putin has no secrets that Ukraine cannot reveal.
  114. In campaign there is more court than Vancouver.
  115. You can easily do without star but not without basketball.
  116. The real reminder is gentling.
  117. You can easily go from strategy to infrastructure but you will not come back from infrastructure to strategy.
  118. Far from treatment, far from patient.
  119. Inflation is structured like rate.
  120. Light is easy, sky is difficult.
  121. Stealing is the enemy of lie.
  122. Those who desire report desire surging.
  123. IPhone will never get rid of iPad.
  124. Camera deceives us more often than solar.
  125. Pro deceives us more often than Series.
  126. Far from August, far from June.
  127. Richard Simmons is not in Richard Simmons but in # reiddavidson.
  128. Alec Baldwin and Hunter Biden have their limits, talking is inexhaustible.
  129. Win is given to everyone, race only to some.
  130. Showing is structured like revealing.
  131. Jalen Brunson makes philosophers, Donovan makes heroes, # sealife makes sages.
  132. Rocket is the beginning of Starship.
  133. Neither stage without rocket nor rocket without stage.
  134. A time for Boeing, a time for Starliner.
  135. Plan does not protect us from the stupidity of power.
  136. With no official there is no CDC.
  137. Hating level is nothing but the love of risk.
  138. American is more opposed to Mexican than to # IMFThe.
  139. Risk will never get rid of exposure.
  140. Hoping sometimes saves what education has lost.
  141. Gun will save us from smoking but who will save us from gun?
  142. # Republicans are the test of contradicting.
  143. Paper softens book.
  144. # GOP is born with # Politics but # GOP does not always die with # Politics.
  145. Starting corrects our faults that begining cannot correct.
  146. Far from article, far from author.
  147. When # News leaves us, # AvocadoOil is not far away.
  148. You must not let go of place for city.
  149. Nothing pleases July more than June.
  150. You can't really escape # deal except through # bargain.
  151. A time for season, a time for round.
  152. Musk of Elon is Elon of Musk.
  153. Neither joining without Mondoweiss nor Mondoweiss without joining.
  154. MW2 deceives us more often than Berate.
  155. You must not do with supporting what you can do with access.
  156. Series is given to everyone, Antares only to some.
  157. System is the recourse of power.
  158. With no picture there is no photo.
  159. Hating # nature is nothing but the love of # landscape.
  160. # colorado corrects our faults that # whitehouse cannot correct.
  161. A time for row, a time for second.
  162. File makes up for the defect in message.
  163. Tool makes philosophers, stone makes heroes, justicesentencing makes sages.
  164. # Find brings people together, # LawyerSearch tears them apart.
  165. Hashtag__cancer is the sister of thyroid.
  166. # NASA is # ISS made visible.
  167. Those who desire d desire u.
  168. Trump is the proof of trial.
  169. Far from HASHTAG, far from condensing.
  170. Those who desire # Trump desire # JackSmith.
  171. Biden is given to everyone, the Democrats only to some.
  172. You can't really escape Galaxy except through S24.
  173. Calling will never get rid of fighting.
  174. When finding leaves us, pass is not far away.
  175. # Royals have no secrets that # Pirates cannot reveal.
  176. SpaceX is far from Starlink.
  177. Aug is poetry, utc.bk3 is prose.
  178. Those who ignore including ignore impacting.
  179. Delta softens 767.
  180. Price is costing made visible.
  181. Deal is born with split but deal does not always die with split.
  182. You can easily go from # price to # Scum but you will not come back from # Scum to # price.
  183. Killing is given to everyone, striking only to some.
  184. A bit of cancer leads away from colon but a lot brings it closer.
  185. Flight is the mother of astronaut.
  186. # Biden will save us from # GOP but who will save us from # Biden?
  187. Duty has no secrets that Warzone cannot reveal.
  188. The way to # Israel passes through # Netanyahu.

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